
Introducing Fangin Around

We've got a new podcast on Jimmerish FM called Fangin' Around. We are including the episodes of Fangin' Around in the regular Jimmerish FM feed but it will exist on its own out at fanginaround.com.  So, to subscribe to this podcast head on out to its subscribe page.  Of course, recordings of the podcast will still be broadcast live on Jimmerish FM so that you can interact with other listeners at the usual place.

For the first published episode it's CHOGM week in Western Australia and we are discussing all the political and royal action, including the women. We also reminisce about Grand Theft Auto 3's 10th Anniversary. Email us with any questions for next week's show: mailbag@fanginaround.com or hit us up on Twitter: @FanginAround

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Show Notes:
Hottie Showdown:
Who's The Hottie Now
Question Of The Week
  • Could you ever imagine yourself in a situation where you have to dismember an entire human?