Listen To A Live Show!
Welcome to our live listening page! The easiest way to listen to Jimmerish FM live is with the player on the right or on TuneIn. You can even listen on your smartphone, tablet or iPod touch by getting the TuneIn Apps for iOS and Android. Use your app to search for "Jimmerish FM" or follow this link then add it to your presets by hitting the follow button. If you're having trouble connecting to the station, try our backup Ustream Channel. More instructions for other listening options are here.
Once you are listening, join other listeners in our live chat-room embedded below. Share this page with your friends with this link:
Join the chat and submit your questions live in the HTML5 chatroom below:
Open Chat In Separate Window
To Register Your Current Nickname Type:
/msg nickserv register typeyourpasswordhere typeyouremailaddresshere
To Login Under Your Registered Nickname, Enter Chat As Your Nickname, Then Type:
/msg nickserv identify typeyourpasswordhere
To Chat With Your Own IRC Client:
Find the #jimmerishfm channel on (Colloquy recommended for Mac and iOS)
Once you are listening, join other listeners in our live chat-room embedded below. Share this page with your friends with this link:
To Register Your Current Nickname Type:
/msg nickserv register typeyourpasswordhere typeyouremailaddresshere
To Login Under Your Registered Nickname, Enter Chat As Your Nickname, Then Type:
/msg nickserv identify typeyourpasswordhere
To Chat With Your Own IRC Client:
Find the #jimmerishfm channel on (Colloquy recommended for Mac and iOS)