
Kate from Book Club

In an attempt to bring this podcast back from the dead, "Kate from Book Club" is called in to share how she came to be on a rock i...

The J Show: Kyra the Writer

Writer Kyra joins us to talk about being a creative in Albany, Western Australia. Along the way she shares the journey she has been on to de...

The J Show: Alana the Technology Teacher

We chat to Alana, a super-creative Technology teacher from Western Australia, along with a murder of crows, about how to use technology an...

The J Show: Natalie Blom the Zine Maker

In this conversation we learn about the world of Zines and growing up in the WA Wheatbelt from local Zine creator and distributer  Natal...

The J Show: Kirsten the Writer

We take a journey with writer Kirsten through battles of confidence that almost derailed her love of writing. Follow her writing adventur...

Late Nights 14: Summercast with Dianna

Album art by Jay N This week we kicked off the summer vibes with a relaxing podcast at sunset on top of Kings Park  with Dianna . We cha...

The J Show: Jennie Feyen the Filmmaker

Japanese trained Australian Filmmaker Jennie Feyen is our guest on a beautiful spring afternoon chat to celebrate Jimmerish FM's 10 year...